

The Staffs

The view displays staffs with notations for a dance figure. There are two staffs in the view. The staff on the left is leader staff and and the right is follower staff. A staff consists of number of columns and rows. The columns show notations for the movement of feet and hands, pose timing, and dancer alignment. A row of the staff shows notations for a pose at a time step. The dancer steps alternately from one pose to the next with time. Time progresses from bottom to top of the staff. The bottom row of the columns show icons descriptive of the column content.

Column Descriptors

LeftConnection The column shows notation for left hand connection to partner.
LeftHandThe column shows notation for left hand position.
LeftFootGesture The column shows notation for left foot gesture. A gesture is a movement of the foot without weight.
LeftFootStep Left foot position. An entry in this column shows notation for the movement of left foot with weight changes. The column also shows pivot turns on left foot.
RightFootStep Right foot position. An entry in this column shows notation for the movement of right foot with weight changes. The column also shows pivot turns on right foot.
RightFootGesture The column shows notation for right foot gesture. A gesture is a movement of the foot without weight.
Way The column shows notation for turns that happens over a sequence of steps. These are called "Way" turns.
RighttHandThe column shows notation fo right hand position.
RightConnection The column shows notation for right hand connection to partner.
clock The column shows step timing.
rays The column shows alignment of the dancers on the dance floor.

View Options

There are three options to view the staff data. Swipe the view from left-to-right or right-to-left to display the three view options. Each view is suitable to edit different data.

Staff-1 Staff-2 Staff-3
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3

User Interaction

Tap on Keyboard button at the bottom left corner of the window to view the editing buttons shown below.


Edit Foot Notation: Tap on Foot button to display the Foot Notation Editor.

Edit Turns: Tap on Turn button to display the Turn Notation Editor.

Edit Hand Notation: Tap on Hand button to display the Hand Notation Editor.

Edit Floor Alignment: Tap on Alignment button to display the Alignment Editor.

Edit Pose Timing: Tap on Time button to display the Pose Timing Editor.

Notes Editor: Tap on Text button to add additional notes to the dance score.

Pose Selection:

The notation pads have a pose selection control on the right. Tap on the top and bottom triangles to advance the selection up and down. The middle triangle switches the Leader/Follower staffs. Alternately, simply tap on the row of the staffs to select a pose to edit.


The top triangle also has Long Press menu option to select "auto-step." The auto-step when selected advances the step automatically after step or hand notation.

Hide Notation Pads: To hide the notation pads tap x button at the bottom left corner of the window.