Timing Editor

Activate Timing Editor: Tap on the Time button at the bottom of the screen.

Timing Buttons: The pose timings for the dance figure are input by the timing notation pad shown. The buttons on the pad add one or more timings to the staff. The beat timings for the buttons are as follows:


User Interaction

Add New Time Step: Tap on a button, S Q Q&Q Q& Qa, at the bottom for the beat-count.

Add End-of Measure: Tap on Measure button.

Delete the Timing: Tap on trash to delete top most timing entry.

Start Beat: Most dances start with the first step on count one. Some dances start on count two. Tap on startStep button to toggle the between the two counting styles. This only changes the display of timing column for numeric counting.

Select Counting Style: Depending on the dance the step timing may be counted as Slows and Quicks or as numeric count 1-2-3-... Tap_Anywhere_on_Time_Column to togggle between the two counting styles.

When to Use the Editor

Usually the notation pad is used at the beginning of staff creation to specify the slow (S) and quick (Q) timings and measures for a dance figure. For example, to specify two measures of Foxtrot "Basic" figure one would tap on the buttons "S, S, Q, Q, Measure, S, S, Q, Q, Measure." The staff is populated with step-in-place notation. The notations will be modified subsequently by Foot Notation Editor.